
Hire .Net developer in India

Want to build a secure and scalable .net applications? Hire a dedicated .Net developer from us to enrich your business.

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Hire dedicated .Net developer in India for delivering quality service

Hire .Net developer in India, who is capable of delivering any kind of application supporting on web, cross-platform. Technoduces has a team of .Net developer who has more than 7+ years of experience in developing custom .Net development, .Net extension, addons, plugins, etc for any business types. We have a team of skilled developers providing cost-effective solutions using the latest technology for .Net development. Now you can easily hire a .Net developer from Technoduces to boost up your business using .Net web development. Our .Net developer develops top-end web apps delivering a high-quality, innovative and scalable solution for the business.

Hire our .Net developer to get the effective interactive portal application developed. Now Hire a .Net developer from Technoduces to meet your business requirement on development, customization, designing, migration, maintenance, revamping, etc. We offer a complete end-to-end solution to deliver the best possible result. We have top-notch .Net developers to benefit your business.

Hire .net developer

Hire .Net developers at affordable and flexible hiring modules

We can adjust our services, solutions, and developers to meet your company's demands. Hire.NET developers and select a full-time or part-time schedule that suits the demands of your project. Do have an idea to work on a fixed-cost basis? Do not worry; our fixed-cost module will provide top-notch.NET apps at an agreed-upon price.

Hire .Net developer in India with this range of expertise

We provide end-to-end .net development services and support for small, medium and enterprise businesses. Hire .NET developers to create a robust web, mobile, and desktop applications using our broad experience.

Want to hire dedicated .Net developers in India for your project?

Hire our .Net developer

Our work portfolios

Take a peek into our approach of creating applications, in finding what we can do for your business. A proper study is conducted on each project to reveal our analysis of customers' needs.

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Why hire .Net developers from Technoduces?

  • Experience .Net developer

    Hire .Net developers in India, who are highly experienced and have complete knowledge of .Net applications.

  • Security guaranteed

    Our main motto is privacy and security of the client’s project. We sign an NDA document to the client, stating the project ideas are not revealed.

  • Transparency guaranteed

    We regularly provide project status details weekly via Skype, mail, call, etc to keep you updated on status.

  • Cost effective solution

    Technoduces offers reliable and highly cost-effective solutions for .Net application development. Hire our .Net developer in India who offers the best solution.

  • .Net Guaranteed output

    Hiring our skilled .Net developer for your project will guarantee you outstanding output.

  • .Net Free consultation

    Once you share your project ideas, our .Net expertise provides free consultation on project implementation.

  • Flexible engagement model

    Hire .Net developer on flexible engagement model either full time or part-time (weekly/monthly basis).

  • Advanced tools & technology

    We have a highly-skilled .Net developer who uses the latest tools and technology to enhance the functionality and features of application development.

We provide .Net development services to several industries

Why wait? Hire our .Net developer from us, who are ready to offer top-notch .Net development service to various business industries irrespective of size. Hire our .Net developer on hourly or monthly or custom according to your business needs.

Real Estate & Construction

We offer tailored real estate software solutions to streamline workflows, manage structured and unstructured information effectively, and foster new business prospects. We make it possible for digital advances to permeate every aspect of contemporary real estate and transform it to conform to the new reality.

  • Property management
  • Multiple listing services
  • IDX integration services
  • CRM and ERP solutions
  • Building management
  • Vendor management

On-Demand Marketplace

We create advanced on-demand B2B and B2C apps to suit your business needs. If you want to achieve your business goals, establish your business like the big players in the market and stay ahead of the competition, switch to the future mobile app market today, and build a robust on-demand marketplace app.

  • Taxi booking app
  • Food delivery app
  • Grocery ordering app
  • Liquor delivery app
  • Salon, Spa booking app
  • Courier delivery app

Food and Beverage

We at Technoduces, our committed developers assist with custom software development in the food and beverage sectors by providing distinctive mobile apps and websites. We create apps for food ordering and delivery that are appropriate for various restaurant business models, including full-service quick service restaurants (QSR) and establishments that deliver food to customers' homes.

  • Food ordering system
  • Food delivery app
  • Restaurant POS
  • Restaurant CRM system
  • Table management system
  • KIOSK software

Retail and eCommerce

We build cutting-edge software solutions for retail industry businesses to enhance the omnichannel customer experience and automate business processes. We offer full-cycle services for developing retail and e-commerce applications for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as solopreneurs.

  • Inventory management
  • Online shopping platforms
  • B2B and B2C applications
  • Order management
  • Shipping & delivery management
  • Retail ERP and CRM software

Logistics and Transportation

Technoduces develops digital logistics and transportation solutions that offer to validate performance and profitability while keeping a monitor of resources and events. Supply chain, warehousing, and fleet management are all integrated into our web and mobile app development services for logistics and transportation industries.

  • Freight forwarding software
  • Fleet management software
  • Warehouse and SCM
  • Asset management and tracking
  • Inventory management software
  • Transportation and GPS monitoring

Education & E-Learning

Build your education solutions with Technoduces, offering e-learning and education software and all-inclusive specialized solutions. Our educational software development services help organizations increase student engagement and digitize learning. With our robust solutions, we can now create a new era of educational technology.

  • Institutions management
  • eLearning management
  • School management
  • Gamified solutions
  • Document management
  • Mobile learning solutions

Banking and Financial

We help create intelligent banking/finance led by a digital transformation that streamlines operations as well as instant and secure transactions to create an omnichannel experience for your customers. The banking industry can improve the business process from a modernized architecture supported by emerging technologies according to our intellectual pursuit.

  • Custom mobile banking
  • AI and Blockchain
  • P2P lending software
  • Compliance and risk
  • Loan management
  • Investment management

Healthcare and Pharma

We provide medical software solutions to speed up the development of a secure and robust healthcare ecosystem based on being legally compliant. This solution facilitates the exchange of information between patients, doctors, health insurance providers, pharmaceutical companies, and manufacturers of medical devices.

  • Telehealth system
  • IoT & wearables
  • EHR and EMR software
  • Inventory management
  • Medicine delivery app
  • HIPAA, HITECH & Etc.,

.Net Tools & Technology we use

Hire .Net developers from Technoduces, who have access to the latest tools and cutting-edge technologies. Our .Net developers are highly skilled, experienced, and provide customized solutions to provide optimal output for your business. Need of .Net developers to work on your project? Contact Technoduces to get a dedicated team of .Net developers with core knowledge on the below technologies.

Dot Net framework ASP.Net MVC, .NET Core, .NET FRAMEWORK, ASP.NET web service, WCF service
Dot Net Language C#, VB.NET, F#, C++
Front end web service HTML/CSS, Angular, Javascript, JSON, AJAX
Database & server MySQL, Dot NET MyAdmin, Wamp, Xamp, Apache
Testing Selenium, Pixy, Xdebug
Technology MVC, Win Form, Web API, WorkFlows
3rd party API integration Social network, Payment gateway, Booking API’s, SMS gateway And evrerything

In Depth comparative analysis:
Technoduces .Net hiring model Vs Freelance .Net developer

Process analysis Technoduces developer hiring model Freelance
Signing NDA NDA signed NDA not signed
Team size Hire our .Net Junior/Senior Developer, Project manager,Manager, Tester Admin team & Support team Only one .Net developer
If any critical task / problem resolving Escalated to Senior .Net developer/PM for support All alone solved
Support and maintenance Provide 1 month free support & maintenance Uncertain
Company Trust 100% Guaranteed No guarantee
Legal company registration Yes company registered & served 10+ years in IT industry Individual, No legal registration
Project decision making Team discussion will be done and decided All alone decided

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Key benefits of hiring .Net developers

  • 100% transparency
  • Project secrect - NDA document signed
  • Hire .Net developer of your choice
  • Cost effective solution
  • Quick & Agile process
  • Guaranteed result

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Frequently asked a question you need to know when hiring a .Net developer

How much does it cost to hire a .Net developer?

We offer cost-effective development rates. You can Hire highly skilled world’s best .Net developers starting from us. The Rates may vary according to the scope of the .Net project & the experience of the .Net Developer. Hire a .Net developer to build real-time web applications.

Do you provide an NDA signed document for the project?

Yes, we provide an NDA signed document before starting the .Net project.

Do you provide support and maintenance after the project delivery?

We provide complete support and maintenance for 1 month after the delivery of the .Net project.

Why hire dedicated .Net developers?

Technoduces has 10+ years of experience .Net developer. By hiring dedicated .Net developers you get complete access to your project with real-time communication. By hiring a dedicated .Net developer you can make your application light, fast, and highly efficient.

Can I own the code authority of the Project?

Yes, complete ownership is guaranteed to the client. You own the complete source code of the project.

What project management tools do you use?

Some of the project management tools we use are Skype, Jira, Slack, etc.

How much time will it take to develop a .Net project?

There is no defined timeline for any .Net project. The timeline of the project depends on the size, model, features, functionalities, customization, integration, scope, etc of the project. Hire our .Net developer for guaranteed output.

What is the benefit of using .Net for web development?

Using .Net in web development, there are lots of benefits such as speedy native bindings, multiple platforms compatible written code, package and extensions, and much more.

Are they any hidden charges?

No, there are no hidden charges in our web development process, we are extremely transparent. You hire the .Net developer and pricing is based on the requirement.

Can I hire a .Net developer of my choice?

Yes, you can conduct an interview and then hire a .Net developer as per your choice.

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