Hire MEAN stack developer in India
Dedicated resource for MEAN stack development
Get 10 Days Risk-Free TrialYou can hire our developers on a monthly contract basis according to the project requirement.
You can hire our developer on a long term basis or dedicatedly depending on the project requirement.
Now you can hire any employee either onshore or offshore based, full time or part time as per your wish on any custom plan.
Our MEAN stack developers are highly experienced and have complete knowledge on MEAN stack.
Once you share your project ideas, we provide an NDA signed document before starting the project.
We regularly provide project status details weekly via Skype, mail, call, etc to keep you updated on status.
Hiring our skilled MEAN stack developer in India for your project will guarantee you outstanding output.
Once you share your project ideas, our MEAN stack expertise provides free consultation on project implementation.
Hire MEAN stack developer in India on flexible engagement model either full time or part time (weekly / monthly basis).
Tools | Technology |
APIs | Facebook API, Instagram API, YouTube API, Spotify API, Apple Music API, Google API, Jira REST API, GitHub API, SoundCloud API |
UI Framework | Material UI, Angular Bootstrap |
Database | MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, DynamoDB |
Tools | Slack, Jira, GitHub, Trello |
Process analysis | Technoduces hiring model | Freelance |
Time taken to get right MEAN stacck developer | 1 day - 3 days | 1 - 12 weeks |
Project discussion | 1 day - 1 week | 1 - 5 weeks |
Project confidentiality | Guaranteed | Not guaranteed |
Signing NDA | NDA signed | NDA not signed |
Time to start project | 1 day - 2 weeks | 1 - 5 weeks |
Project failure risk | Extremely low | Very high |
Dedicated resource | Yes | No |
Quality of work | Yes | Uncertain |
Tools & professional infrastructure | Yes | Uncertain |
Team size | Junior developer, Senior developer, Project manager, Manager, Tester Admin team & Support team |
Only 1 developer |
If any critical task / problem resolving | Escalated to Senior resource/PM for support | All alone solved |
Deployment process | IT Team handles | Only 1 developer handles |
Support and maintenance | Provide 1 month free support & maintenance | Uncertain |
Company Trust | 100% Guaranteed | No guarantee |
Legal company registration | Yes company registered & served 10+ years in IT industry | Individual, No legal registration |
Project decision making | Team discussion willbe done and decided | All alone decided |
i)Start the hiring process with a clear job description
ii)Shortlist developers based on the project needs
iii)Conduct interviews to better understand their portfolio
iv)Hire a developer as per your choice
TThe cost of hiring a MEAN stack developer depends on business requirements, project Complexity, technology, framework, team size, location of the developer, etc.
What are the Advantages of hiring a MEAN stack developer from technoduces?
Some of the major advantages of hiring MEAN stack developer from us are we have skilled Developer who has in-depth knowledge of MEAN development, on-time delivery, flexible hiring Model, functional code with a scalable solution, well versed with security and data protection.
MEAN stack provides advanced features which make development fast and easy. The reusability of software components, cost-reduction, and much more increase the value of the Business.
MEAN stack developers build websites using a collection of four distinctive JavaScript technologies. Our developer delivers high-quality web and mobile applications for your business.